Photos by Alicia
Check out my new site!
As I've said before I really am a horrible blogger.
I don't think its so much the writing that gets me, but more so the posting-organizing photos, html, all the hub-bub of blogging. But for anyone that actually keeps updated with this, I'm actually enjoying my time in Israel, studying abroad and loving every second of it. I go into Jerusalem just about every week and have been to Tel Aviv and Central Benjamin, visiting such places as Jericho and the Judean desert. The Lord is showing so much to me here and growing me a ton. I haven't kept note of my adventures in vain, I actually have a correspond Photos by Alicia blog -- http://pba-theisraelexperience.blogspot.com So if you're ever compelled take a visit and check out some of my adventures. For now photos by alicia will be on hiatus until I actually talk some of my classmates on doing a photoshoot or I have time to post old photos. Until then. Shalom.
All photos by Photos by Alicia unless otherwise noted.
I've [scrawled] a countless amount of words.
[Captured] over 100 souls.All through one [click].